Eve Sperling

Eve Sperling is currently pursuing her M.A. at the Institute of Fine Arts, NYU, with a focus on late medieval and early modern art. She is driven to write from ecocritical perspectives and is particularly interested in how animals, and human-animal relationships, figure into artworks of the past (both in terms of iconography and material). She received her B.A. in Fine Arts from Pitzer College in Claremont, C.A., with a Minor in Art History. Before graduating from Pitzer, Eve worked as Program Intern for Fulcrum Arts in Pasadena, C.A., and helped to organize the 2019 AxS (art + science) Symposium, Free Radicals: On the Provocation of Awe. Presently, Eve works as a Research Assistant to Professor Jonathan Hay at the Institute of Fine Arts, assisting on his project Historical Writing on Art: A Cross-Cultural History.
