Kristen Nicole Coy is a first-year M.A. Candidate at the Institute of Fine Arts and is focusing on East Asian Contemporary Art. She holds a B.A. from New York University Gallatin School of Individualized Study where her concentration was titled, “The Consumption and Commodification of Art.” Kristen’s broad interests are focused on the cultural/societal meaning and representation of art objects as well as their relationship to psychoanalysis. In the spring of 2019, Kristen published The Rebirth of the Dandy as an Art Collector, which analyzes the treatment of art as a commodity. Kristen’s first curatorial project is titled ‘Delicate Nature,’ and features works that present an illusion of nature but also highlight its fragility. Kristen has work experience at Salon 94 Gallery in New York, the Institute of Contemporary Art, Miami and Christie’s Auction House, New York.