Derek Koffi-Ziter


Derek Koffi-Ziter is a 22 year old artist and educator. Born and raised in western Massachusetts and later moving to New York City for university, they are currently working on their bachelors degree in photography/fine art  and their masters of art education at New York University. Their artistic practice is one of flux and constant introspection, continuously changing, growing and adapting to their surroundings. Connection to space and people is a throughline throughout all of their work across mediums. Switching seamlessly between analog and digital mediums to create a narrative that is uniquely them. An artistic abstraction of their life and a manifestation of their innermost fears and desires. Their way of Navigating across spaces while they claim their multidimensional identity. Instead of choosing to be confined or defined by their marginalized identity they choose to use it as a vehicle for expansion. Seeing the potential in their life and personal politics as a way for creating new narratives that challenge the confines of societal whiteness, gender roles, and heteronormativity.